OneChipMSX core updated
robinsonb5-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-10-16 23:39:52 UTC

I've just released a new version of the OneChipMSX core.
The write problems caused by my slowing down SPI access are now fixed, and the core now supports scanlines. Also the VGA sync signals have been inverted, which allows the NTSC mode to work on a TV using a Minimig-to-SCART cable. The audio volumes can now be controlled through the OSD.

Configurations can be saved, but only if a config file is already on the card; the OSD menu can't create config files. Two sample configs are provided, one for VGA, one for NTSC.

Have fun!

OneChipMSX Releases | Retro Ramblings http://retroramblings.net/?page_id=935


OneChipMSX Releases | Retro Ramblings http://retroramblings.net/?page_id=935 This page will hold releases of the OneChipMSX core. Binaries will be available for at least the Turbo Chameleon 64 and maybe others, and source links ...

View on retroramblings.net http://retroramblings.net/?page_id=935
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All the best
Alastair M. Robinson
Tobias tobias-S0d+oa0fsY4@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-10-17 08:27:39 UTC
Post by robinsonb5-/***@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
I've just released a new version of the OneChipMSX core.
The write problems caused by my slowing down SPI access are now fixed, and
the core now supports scanlines. Also the VGA sync signals have been
inverted, which allows the NTSC mode to work on a TV using a
Minimig-to-SCART cable. The audio volumes can now be controlled through
the OSD.
Configurations can be saved, but only if a config file is already on the
card; the OSD menu can't create config files. Two sample configs are
provided, one for VGA, one for NTSC.
Have fun!

one cosmetic "bug"... it says "2048LB" in the OSD :)
http://www.icomp.de http://wiki.icomp.de

Posted by: Tobias <tobias-S0d+***@public.gmane.org>
robinsonb5-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-10-17 17:54:09 UTC
Oops - so *that's* what's meant by "a ton of memory"...
