Post by scot-*** [chameleon_64]Hi not having much luck, the error message I get on XP is
getversion Failed
That's not much of an error message to work with. The picture you've
added shows a timeout, which points to some connection error. Please
make sure that:
- you are powering the Chameleon through the breakout cable from a
reliable source, such as a 1000mA 5V USB power supply
- you have removed all power-consuming devices: Keyboard, mouse,
SD-card, Docking Station. Is there an RR-Net installed in your
Chameleon? If so, please let us know, so we can try to replicate any
problems here. It should not cause any trouble if you have removed the
networking cable (that will reduce power consumption).
- you are using a known-good USB data cable and a known-good port on
your computer
- you are connecting directly to the computer, not through a USB hub
- you are running the computer as administrator
Do not press any button while the Chameleon is starting up. That is only
required for fab use, and it's only described in the manual for
completeness. The USB flash procedure doesn't require pressing any
buttons on the Chameleon.
If the Chameleon is powered up and you plug the USB data cable into your
computer, you should hear the "ding-dong"-sound that tells you "a new
device has been found". Please confirm that this is happening.
The GUI version of ChaCo is not stable on all computers. You should also
try the commandline version, which is referenced in the batchfile that
does all the required flashing. Please either call the batchfile from a
commandline, or double-click it from Windows Explorer.
Jens Schönfeld
Posted by: Jens Schoenfeld <jens-S0d+***>