Reset board from core
Mark Watson scrameta-gM/Ye1E23mwN+BqQ9rBEUg@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-07-26 20:51:50 UTC
Is there a way to completely reset the board from a core? i.e. to easily
trigger a reload the slot 0 core, so another core may be selected?
Peter Wendrich pwsoft-iYaX0aD0rSNBDgjK7y7TUQ@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-07-26 23:29:58 UTC
Hoi Mark,

Yes that is possible. You can request the USB micro controller to reload
another FPGA core from the FPGA side. If you look at my example
chameleon_usb entity you see two inputs related to reloading.
The signals are reconfig and reconfig_slot. The reconfig_slot should be
set to the core you want. Then on a 0 to 1 transition on reconfig pin
the usb controller is asked to reload the FPGA from flash from the slot
selected by reconfig_slot pins.

On most cores the "reload core 0" is mapped to "long press" of the right
(reset) button. Where long means greater or equal 0.6 seconds.
In most cores this action is also mapped to the power button on the CDTV
and Print-screen/sysreq on PS/2.

If you need an example of a button debounce routine with long press
detection in hardware let me know. I have some vhdl code here that does
that (but is AFAIK not included yet in the code examples)

Post by Mark Watson scrameta-gM/Ye1E23mwN+***@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
Is there a way to completely reset the board from a core? i.e. to easily
trigger a reload the slot 0 core, so another core may be selected?
Posted by: Peter Wendrich <pwsoft-***@public.gmane.org>
Mark Watson scrameta-gM/Ye1E23mwN+BqQ9rBEUg@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-07-29 21:25:42 UTC
Thanks Peter. I got this working ok.
Post by Peter Wendrich pwsoft-***@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
Yes that is possible. You can request the USB micro controller to reload
another FPGA core from the FPGA side. If you look at my example
chameleon_usb entity you see two inputs related to reloading.
The signals are reconfig and reconfig_slot. The reconfig_slot should be
set to the core you want. Then on a 0 to 1 transition on reconfig pin
the usb controller is asked to reload the FPGA from flash from the slot
selected by reconfig_slot pins.
Post by Mark Watson scrameta-gM/Ye1E23mwN+***@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
Is there a way to completely reset the board from a core? i.e. to easily
trigger a reload the slot 0 core, so another core may be selected?
sven.burger-Mmb7MZpHnFY@public.gmane.org [chameleon_64]
2014-07-30 01:16:44 UTC
The reset function works perfect now. Thanks a lot.
The scanline button debouncing works flawless also

I've played a round Archon (not mentioned at the compatibility list) right now - works great!
Tested in with Docking-Station.

Thanks for all your efforts.
